Adonis Restaurant & Cafe – Pireus, Athens

A listed neoclassical building back in the current urban fabric

The new owner of this 100 year old manor (listed neoclassical 1923 building) requested the change of use to host “Adonis” restaurant & bar. The new fusion-cuisine restaurant aimed to be a main attraction to Mikrolimano port. A special care was given to make this transformation in all aspects. We aimed to maintain its original character and enhance it embracing all modern technology available in terms of sustainability, minimum energy consumption and smart building automations. All balcony windows and doors were constructed anew with an efficient combination of materials to minimize energy loss. The rooftop provides a breathtaking view over Microlimano. The new layout holds the approval of the particular listed building through a special issue Goverment Gazette.

The project was published in various digital and printed media. It was designed in 2007-2008 and completed in 2010.

Before And After