Open competition for Eleftherias Public Square, Thessaloniki

A political statement – awarded the 2nd Prize – 2013

The Municipality of Thessaloniki declared a Pan-hellenic open competition for the re-generation of Eleftheria Public Square, a place linked with the persecution of 50,000 hebrews during the WWII. The competition guidelines referred to  the collective memory and symbolization in order to make the public square operational again and embed it in the surrounding urban fabric. Our strategy was to face the public open space as a political statement, as a place for collective memory. For us, the space is “in-between” past and present, between “there” and “now”. Impersonal space is transformed into personal place of remembrance. The idea is about the border that “cuts” the place in two. Therefore, the cutting trace is present in various ways: traces on the flooring, still water features and secluded private places during the day and a strong lighting sign during the night. We were awarded the second prize in August 2013.